Maybe I Don’t Have All The Answers

If you take a tour of the University of Illinois School of Music, you will hear me say the following sentence: “Illinois is a great school, but it’s not the right place for everyone.” When students ask me for advice when choosing a school, I encourage them to look at other schools, examine other options and make the decision that is best for them. If you are looking for other resources to help in your search, I would like to offer some suggestions.

The Juilliard School is one of the most recognizable names in the performing arts world. Their director of admissions, Lee Cioppa, runs an excellent blog and she was kind enough to link to me. I would encourage you to see what they have to say.

The original impetus for creating this site was a blog that I came across by accident. Dean Flagel runs an excellent blog discussing admissions, while occasionally plugging his school, George Mason University. While it’s not specifically about music, there is some very good content here.

Finally, I was reading a post this morning from the “My U Search” blog. In it, Kate Scozzaro offers some great advice on what to ask when you are visiting a school.

On an unrelated topic, my first college fair of the year is in about four hours. I’ll let you know how it goes!

1 comment so far

  1. deanflagel on

    thanks for the plug! As a recovering percussionist, I’d be happy to write more about music. Sadly my career was cut short by a profound lack of talent. Thank god colleges have jobs for people just like me – selecting students WITH talent!

    Andrew Flagel
    Dean of Admissions
    George Mason University

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